Rise of Cross-Border E-Commerce: A Systematic Literature Review

Keywords: International Trade, Cross-Border E-Commerce, International Marketing, Digital Payment, Systematic Literature Review


E-Commerce is trending almost everywhere globally. However, the new trends in E-Commerce further transformed it into Cross-Border trade, leading to extensive benefits at every level of social and commercial life. Considering the rise of Cross-Border online shopping, this study has extensively highlighted how the Cross-Border E-Commerce phenomenon is reflected in the literature. The researcher applied a systematic review approach and selected n= 45 research papers published between 2010 to 2022. Analysis indicated that Cross-Border E-Commerce had taken the globe by storm due to its rapid growth and unprecedented COVID-19 emergence. With the introduction of the ICT and Internet, it has become increasingly prevalent and simple to become a global seller and reap the benefits of international trade by the means of E-Commerce. Besides, the rise of E-Commerce drives new economic growth and triggers innovation among retailers by encouraging them to differentiate their products and provide an engaging user experience. On the other hand, digital payment patterns such as cryptocurrencies further add to the adoption, adding improved payment trends in Cross-Border E-Commerce. Thus, it is concluded that advanced technology, strategic policies, increased demand, and all others played a potential role in the success of Cross-Border E-Commerce today. However, traders face many challenges that need to be resolved to attain greater opportunities. Finally, the researcher emphasized the study's limitations and recommended future studies.


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How to Cite
Derindağ, Ömer F. (2022). Rise of Cross-Border E-Commerce: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Applied And Theoretical Social Sciences, 4(3), 352-372. https://doi.org/10.37241/jatss.2022.71